Tuesday, April 16, 2024

A Magic Carpet Ride with Huckleberry Hound

 Boy, did Hanna-Barbera love to slap their characters on everything and anything. If you need proof, here is a collection of Huckleberry Hound rugs from the early 1960s. Yowp's discussed these on his blog a few times, but I don't believe he's shared the full collection of them. Or, at least, all the carpets that I could find online. According to a newspaper ad he shared on one post, these would've set you back $5.98 back in the day. Each one measures 22 x 38 inches and comes to us from Belgium.

I'm not quite done yet, though! In the early days of Cartoon Network's website, they actually had concept sketches for these rugs available. They didn't have art for all of the pieces I've shared today, but they did for the majority of them. Oddly enough, the website just labels them as sketches for "Huckleberry Hound merchandise", making no mention of the merchandise the art was made for. Perhaps those creating the website didn't even know themselves?

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