Way back in the forgotten year of 2023, I shared a few photos of The Flintstones cast members, taken from 1960s casting ads. If you missed that, check it out through this link. Now I'm back with more, this time from their futuristic counterparts, The Jetsons.
This first photo features the heads of the Jetsons family, George O'Hanlon and Penny Singleton. I'm sure I'm not the first person to point it out, but it's funny that both George and Jane were portrayed by actors otherwise known for their long-running film characters (Joe McDoakes for O'Hanlon and Blondie for Singleton).
Next, we have ads for Janet Waldo, Don Messick, and Daws Butler. I was surprised to see Messick sporting a beard in his second photo. And you've gotta love that second photo of Daws! I believe it was taken pretty early on in his career, but I may be wrong.
Forget the beard--Why would anyone highlight The Space Kidettes on their credits blurb?