Wednesday, July 5, 2023

A Quick Glance at the Old Hanna-Barbera Website

 I'm not sure how well-known this is, but back in the mid-2000s, Hanna-Barbera actually had their own website. It's long been defunct at this point (it seems to have gone down around 2008/09), but thanks to this post on the Internet Animation Database and the Wayback Machine, some pieces of the website can still be accessed. It should be noted that a lot of the website is still unusable due to its heavy use of Flash, a program that has since been discontinued, but I decided to catalog what is available on this blog.

I'll start off this exploration with what is probably the most preserved aspect of the website, its wallpapers. offered a vast assortment of wallpapers based on many of their franchises. If you can think of a particular HB series, chances are there was at least one wallpaper based on it available on the site. The art used in these isn't anything particularly special, using the artwork of the characters used in most modern promo material, but I figured I'd share a few of my favorites. Like I said, these are pretty easy to find online, so if you want to check out more, a quick Google search for "Hanna-Barbera wallpapers" should suffice.

Like a lot of kid-focused websites, there was also a games section, which you can see below. The game titled "Black is the Knight" is a Touche Turtle game, for those who'd like to know. Unlike the website itself, a lot of these games actually have been preserved through programs like FlashPoint, so if you are interested in playing any of these, I highly recommend checking that out, and their list of games.

That's all for today, but check back here tomorrow for some of the more fascinating relics of this forgotten website. Ever wondered what would be on Fred Flintstone's personal mixtape? Probably not, but you'll find out that and more tomorrow!

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