Friday, December 1, 2023

Hanna-Barbera Christmas Cards

 December has finally come, and with it, Christmas time arrives as well. To start the month off, here's a collection of several Christmas cards issued by Hanna-Barbera over the years. Starting us off is this holiday gift cel from 1965, showing some of the early Hanna-Barbera characters wishing us a merry Christmas and a happy new year!

Jumping forward to the seventies, here are two more cards, although I'm unsure as to when they were issued. The first one was commissioned by Hanna-Barbera themselves, and features some of the famous (and not so famous) characters to come out of their output in that era. The second was done as a promotional piece for Kings Island, which for many years was the closest thing to a genuine Hanna-Barbera land. It's also not entirely representative of what the piece looked like, as it's more akin to a rough concept than the finished product. 

Next up is a Christmas card from 1981, showing the disembodied heads of Hanna-Barbera protagonists adorning a Christmas tree. Just what every kid wants to see on Christmas! That being said, I must admit that the HB swirling star logo taking the usual spot of the Christmas star is a really nice touch.

I'm not sure if this next one was actually official art commissioned by the studio or not, but I've never seen it before, so I thought I'd share it here. This piece I'm guessing was done sometime in the 90's (or perhaps for WB in the 2000s?), and shows a couple of classic characters celebrating the holidays. This one was also created by legendary Hanna-Barbera artist Iwao Takamoto, whose signature adorns the piece. One of my personal favorites of this collection, though I wish I knew more about where it came from.

That's it for today, but there will be plenty of other holiday surprises in store this month! Hanna-Barbera and the holidays go hand in hand, so I'll have a lot to cover and discuss for the merriest of seasons!

1 comment:

  1. I find the cast-member choices in the King's Island piece amusingly confounding--Despite having plenty of H-B characters to choose from by 1971 ( None of the programs represented are later than that), someone decided to fill space with random zoo animals presumably from Help!...It's the Hair Bear Bunch! and assorted dinosaurs symbolizing The Flintstones. Weird.
