Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Snacks at the Hanna-Barbera Studio Store

 Now here's a little something I found on eBay the other day that caught my eye. Below is a bottle of candy representing Scooby-Doo and the snacks named after him.

Ok, so it's an old piece of Scooby-Doo-themed candy. There's been plenty of those over the years, so what's special about this one? Unlike your various Scooby cookies and Scooby gummies, this was offered only to Hanna-Barbera employees at the studio's store, which opened in the early 1990s. I've talked about the offerings of said store a few times in the past, but I never once heard anything about candy until now. Others were also available to purchase, such as this bottle referred to as Droopy's Drops (pictured alongside a Droopy keychain the store also sold).

I couldn't tell you what the Scooby snacks tasted like (and judging by their appearance, they don't look particularly tasty), but the Droopy candy was similar to jawbreakers, according to an older eBay listing. Maybe there were more done, but these were the only ones I could find anything about online. If any of my readers happened to have worked for Hanna-Barbera back then, did you ever try any of these? Furthermore, do the Scooby snacks taste as bad as they look?

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