Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Flintstones Neocid Print Ads

 As mentioned in last week's piece on Carosello, the Flintstones being used to promote Neocid spray continued beyond segments in the series. There were also several print advertisements released, all of which showcase Fred and Wilma discussing how much they need the product to get rid of those pesky insects. Today, I have three of these ads to showcase, starting with what might be the most interesting one. Why is it so interesting? Well, it's not every day you see Wilma Flintstone with normal eyes!

The above ad reads "'The Ancestors' in Carousel. No club... or Neocid or Flies." The Ancestors is what The Flintstones was titled in Italy, while the mentioning of a club might be a reference to the phrase "Wilma, give me the club!" To my understanding, this was Fred's catchphrase in many pieces of merchandise in Italy, rather than the traditional "Yabba Dabba Doo."

This one reads as "'The Ancestors' in Carousel. He reminds you. Neocid or Club." This ad sports more traditional versions of Fred and Wilma, almost looking like they came out of the Flintstones newspaper strip. That being said, I doubt any Hanna-Barbera artists did any of these advertisements.

"Not Fred's club, but Wilma's cunning will solve the problem. You will have confirmation of this in Carousel." is what is said here. This one looks to be less of an ad for Neocid, and more for the Flintstones segments on Carosello

And that's everything I have to say about Carosello. At least for now, that is. Know that the translation of these ads isn't 100% accurate (I know a lot about Hanna-Barbera, but not much about the Italian language), but I hope you guys will understand that. Perhaps I have some Italian readers who remember these, or could translate these far better than I could. Just remember this summer if you're having pest issues, who needs a club when you have Neocid?

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