Thursday, June 20, 2024

Hanna-Barbera Cookie Jars at the Warner Bros. Studio Store

 Following the merger of Turner and Time Warner, the Hanna-Barbera characters became a common fixture of the short-lived Warner Bros. stores, alongside other properties like the Looney Tunes and DC Comics superheroes. There, you could find the characters as keychains, plush dolls, and the focus of today's post, cookie jars. For whatever reason, cookie jars were popular at these stores, so several Hanna-Barbera characters got turned into jars, some more than once! This isn't a comprehensive collection of them all, but I thought I'd share a few of my favorites, starting with this one of Scooby burning out of a TV set. Scooby-Doo got several cookie jars, which isn't a surprise, as these were made right around the time the franchise became popular again. Overall, it's a pretty good piece. I dig Scooby's expression, and the concept of him popping out of a TV is a lot more interesting than just being a statue of Scoob that has his head pop off.

Speaking of Scooby, here's a fun crossover jar featuring him alongside Dino and Astro, two of Hanna-Barbera's other canine companions (Dino may not have been a dog, but considering his personality, he might as well have been). This was the only cookie jar they did that crossed over characters, which is a real shame. This has to be one of my favorites in the line.

For The Jetsons, we got this lovely jar based off of everyone's favorite maid from the future, Rosie the Robot, who looks like she's ready to prepare some tea. There's actually another Rosie cookie jar that exists, but I think this one is a better depiction of the character, at least from images online. This one looks just a bit better proportioned than the later one. 

The Flintstones, to nobody's surprise, also had their fair share of cookie jars at the store. Below are three in the line: Fred at the quarry, Wilma and Betty, and one of the family in the Flintmobile. The first one looks great, but I feel the latter two leave a lot to be desired. Something about the faces on the Wilma and Betty jar just seems off, and that can also be said for the Flintmobile one. And no, I don't know why Wilma's wearing a blue dress in these. Perhaps they thought it looked more visually appealing?

With this lookback wrapped up, I'm curious if any of my readers have (or had) any of these, or anything else from the WB store. It sounds great from everything I've heard, so I'd love to hear about your experiences there. It's just a shame the store closed so early. We never even got a Funky Phantom jar!

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