Wednesday, June 19, 2024

HB Voice Actors in Classic TV Shows The Third

 It's been a minute, but I'm back again with another entry in my "Hanna-Barbera Voice Actors in Classic TV Shows" series! You know the drill by now, so let's get right into things with this segment on the beloved game show "What's My Line?," featuring Top Cat voice actor Arnold Stang alongside another name you've probably heard of, Betty White.

Next, meet George Jetson! Or, the man who breathed life into him, to be exact. This is George O'Hanlon as Joe McDoakes, the main character in a comedy series he portrayed for several years. These were made for theaters instead of television, but as these air often on TCM, I felt they were worth showing here. The one below is one of my personal favorites from the series, showcasing him as a bit of a model railroad addict. If you enjoy it, I'd definitely recommend watching more, as it really is a great series of films.

Finally, here's another on-screen appearance from Janet Waldo, this time on The Andy Griffith Show. While this isn't as remembered as her appearance on I Love Lucy, it's probably a good choice for second place. And rest assured, this isn't the last time we'll see Miss Waldo here. I haven't even gotten to Valentine's Day!

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